Request a Quote

    Select what you are interested in:

    What decking would you like?

    What is your total m² required?

    What flooring would you like?

    What is your total m² required?

    What type of plywood do you require?

    What is the total amount of sheets required?

    What type of shelving do you require?

    What is the total amount of planks required?

    What type of timber do you require?

    What is your total m³ required?

    What is the total amount of bottles/containers required?

    More info on your project or other questions:

    Get hold of us

    Mon-Thur: 08:00-16:30
    Fri: 08:00-16:00

    +27 (0)12 804-3110/1
    +27 (0)87 941 3495
    +27 (0)12 804-6634

    266 Plantation Street

    -25.729374, 28.295219